Rail R U OK? Day

This year, Rail R U OK Day holds a greater significance than ever before. It is vital to build a sense of community and togetherness across our industry.

In these times of separation from our peers and colleagues, it is completely normal to have feelings of isolation and frustration. Rail R U OK Day serves as a reminder of the importance of looking after and checking in on our mates. While seeming so simple, asking someone how they are doing can spark a much larger conversation. Since its launch in 2015, Rail R U OK Day has grown massively year on year, with more and more people realising the effects that checking in can have. Staff across Australia and New Zealand have shown growing participation, resulting in a significantly greater feeling of connection and support in the workplace. As colleagues, we usually see and speak to each other every Monday to Friday, having that physical aspect removed can lead to less and less frequent conversations.

Omada means team in Greek and in line with this we place a strong emphasis on teamwork and team togetherness. One reason that our team works so cohesively is that we look after and trust each other. Our directors ensure that everyone understands that they are available to talk at any time, about anything. This is an approach not only adopted by our directors, but by our entire staff.

R U OK? and the TrackSafe Foundation are tasking people in the industry with completing one challenge. To get your challenge, head to https://www.ruok.org.au/rail-r-u-ok-day and click ‘get my challenge’. On this page you can find the 4 simple steps of starting and continuing a conversation with someone who may be feeling down.