Thursday 29 April is the industry-wide mental health initiative Rail R U OK? Day. Every year the TrackSAFE Foundation and R U OK? team up to deliver Rail R U OK? Day to encourage genuine conversations between employees and across the rail community. We all go through life’s challenges, so having regular, meaningful conversations can make a difference to our workmates.
At Omada Rail Systems, our top priority is making sure that we do our best to support and look after our team, as we understand that our team members are our greatest asset. By supporting the mental health of our teammates, we are able to build a safe and effective working environment. As we support each other, we must remind ourselves and our peers that it is okay to not be okay.
The aim of this day is not just as a reminder to ask, ‘Are you OK?’ on a one-off, but to emphasise the importance of helping workmates year-round. The team at Omada Rail systems is supporting Rail R U OK? Day because we believe if we take the time to have a conversation with a colleague we’re worried about – not only on our industry-specific R U OK? Day, but any day someone’s struggling – we can help create a stronger, more resilient and safer workplace.
Find the Rail R U OK? Day toolkit at with tips on how to start a conversation. If someone needs extra support, find national helplines at