Join us as a Signalling Engineer
What we’re looking for:
Candidates for this role should have approximately 3+ years of experience, preferably with an engineering degree and/or accreditation from one of:
Engineers Australia, Professionals Australia, the Institute of Professional Engineers NZ, and the Institution of Railway Signal Engineers (IRSE).
We are seeking engineers who enjoy facing new challenges and learning new technology, with the ability to work both collaboratively and autonomously. Who, when working in a team, operates with a structured approach that allows other team members to easily access information. Candidates should like solving technical problems through applying logical reasoning, and enjoy developing creative solutions within the boundaries of fundamental signalling principles, standards and safety requirements. Applicants should also have experience in document control processes and have an effective level of computer and software literacy.
Primary functions of the role:
- Designing infrastructure assets including:
- Signals
- Train stops
- Track circuits
- Train detection systems
- Point operation and detection systems
- Traction (electrical current) return arrangements
- Vital interlocking systems
- SCADA/telemetry systems
- Active level crossings
- Testing and commissioning new signalling systems and maintaining signalling and associated supporting systems.
- Project Management
- Operations
- Asset maintenance,
- Construction design